The Mind Game: Convincing your mind that you can get better

We’re bombarded by messages everyday that state “there is no cure for RA”. If we’re not careful, we’ll believe it. That belief can suck our hope right out.

While it’s important to be realistic, Marsha Sinetar has a good lesson:

“Your beliefs pave your way to success or block you. “

Does your brain—both of them—believe that you can heal?

Brains of all people have two parts—the subconscious brain that runs your body, mostly on autopilot and your conscious brain that we traditionally think is our brain. It helps us learn new things, make decisions, and provides our “logical thoughts”.

Subconscious brain

Your subconscious brain or autonomic nervous system needs to make more than 1 million decisions each second to keep your body running smoothly.

These decisions impact blood flow, maintenance of body temperature, blood glucose levels, mineral levels, hydration, waste pick up, digestion, fighting infections, identifying whether a nutrient is a nutrient or an invader, etc. To be more efficient, if it previously decided that a nutrient was foreign and developed a sensitivity, it will maintain that stance unless you change its belief.

Your subconscious brain usually sends up about 10-15 points to the conscious brain each second. It’s usually about your surroundings. Thus, your conscious brain makes a decision on 10-15 issues per second.

Do you expect to heal?

One of the most important events in my healing journey was meeting Ms. Kitty Ghen, an acupuncturist in Lansdale PA, now in Chalfont. During the initial history and examination, she asked whether I expected to heal and whether I thought there was a way to heal my RA. I hadn’t thought about it directly before. While I said yes, my subconscious brain was not so optimistic. Interestingly, over the next several weeks, she helped me reset my subconscious mind to accept that I could heal and to utilize the current methods to their fullest benefits. Before that, my subconscious mind might have been allowing about 5% of the healing benefit of any method.

So how can you reprogram your subconscious brain to seek and accept healing? First, there are many ways to help your body reprogram your subconscious brain for healing. I’m boosting my healing by several methods:

Focus on healing

Gratitude for healing

Neuromodulation Technique

NeuroEmotional Technique

The Healing Codes

Release of fear and worry

Release of frustration and anger

Bioenergy Consultations

As a first step, it’s very helpful to change your focus from what you don’t want (like pain) to what you do want (joyful movement). Apparently, the subconscious brain gets confused with the word “no”. So when you think or envision “no pain”, it actually thinks that you still want pain and helps you obtain pain.

Gratitude of joyful movement also helps increase healing.

I wrote a book chapter recently on how to change your focus to healing. It’s in the book, Adventures of Manifesting Health and Happiness. Thirty additional authors also provide examples of how they overcame their health challenges. Each author provides steps for regaining health.

Just 36 copies are left at $20/book + $3 S&H. I’ll happily autograph it and ship it to you. To receive an autographed copy, Just send a letter with your request, and a check for $23 to, 2795 Potshop Rd, PO Box 219, Worcester, PA 19490. However, if you prefer, you can get it from

Here's to your healing!



Katherine Molnar-Kimber, Ph.D.

P.S. A new web page on seronegative RA is available.

P.P.S. Because of your many questions on the causes of RA and RA flares, I’ll be providing a telephone conference series of 6 calls on Potential Causes of Rheumatoid Arthritis and RA Flares. What they are, How to recognize their potential effects, and 3 Potential Tips for dealing with them. The first call provides an overview and discusses some confounding factors like genetics, nutrition, personal expectation, and exercise. Each of the 5 remaining calls describes one type of potential RA trigger in more detail. Each call includes 3 tips on how to recognize whether this trigger affects your RA or RA flare and 3 tips on how to reduce its impact. Each call will be followed by a 1 hr Question and Answer session. Further details for sign up and investment fee will be forthcoming. First call will be May 8.

P.P.P.S. I’ve registered as a team for the Arthritis Foundation Walk on June 3 in Lehigh Valley, Bethlehem, PA. Hope you can join me for a mile walk. Thanks!

This is for information purposes only and the information is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease. Please see the disclaimer.